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4 Symptoms of a Heart Attack that Women may Overlook

Heart attack symptoms are different for women. Classic heart attack symptoms, such as chest pain and discomfort in the left arm, are common for men.For women, symptoms are less well-defined and may even be silent, indicating that women are more likely to overlook the early warning signs of a heart attack.

Over the years, we've seen many women who have suffered from a minor heart attack without even knowing it. Some patients suffer shortness of breath weeks before a heart attack. Other patients experience jaw pain that goes on and off for weeks. Many of those patients might mistake this as a dental problem and suffer a heart attack days later, highlighting the importance of recognising the warning signs and understanding the risk factors for heart attack in women.

We are not as familiar with heart attack symptoms in women as we are with those in men, making it likely that men will receive prompt treatment while women may delay seeking help. It pays to know what these symptoms are so you can take appropriate action as soon as they manifest. Go see your cardiologist in Singapore and prevent an emergency from happening.

Ladies, You Have The Power To Take Care Of Your Heart!

Visit your cardiologist for a heart health screen if you have done so in the last 2 years. Learn about your current heart condition and your risk profile, including high blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and whether you have coronary artery disease or a family history of heart disease. These are all risk factors that can increase your risk of heart disease. Be proactive and take care of your heart by knowing what you need to watch out for before it’s too late.

Talk with your cardiologist in Singapore. Women can experience a heart attack even without the usual chest heaviness, which further emphasises that heart disease is a leading cause of death among women. Understanding that you could develop heart disease and recognising the risk factors are crucial steps in adopting a healthy lifestyle to mitigate these risks.

Here are four other symptoms of a heart attack you could dismiss as common pain or flu:

Fatigue-like pains

You might write it off as tiredness or a sore muscle, but pains in the arm, back, neck and jaw can be signs of a heart attack for women. If you experience any of these pains, speak with your cardiologist as soon as possible.

Cold sweats, nausea and light-headedness

These might look like symptoms of the flu. If you don't have other normal flu-like symptoms - fever, running nose, sneezing, cough, sore throat - you may be experiencing a heart attack. Get yourself to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

Pressure of the upper back region

It is common to associate pressure or a squeezing sensation of the back with normal back pain or muscle aches. If you experience a squeezing sensation in your upper back like a rope is being tied around you, it may be a heart attack. Call 995 or get to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Shortness of breath

If you suddenly feel out of breath but you haven't done any physical activities, it might be a sign that your heart is in trouble. You should immediately call an ambulance and get to the emergency room.

Discuss Heart Attack Signs with Your Cardiologist In Singapore

You would be lucky if you survived a mild stroke or heart attack without even knowing it. In Singapore, 1 out of 3 recorded deaths was due to heart disease or stroke in 2014. Of the 19,393 people who died of cardiovascular disease in 2014, 46% were women, making it evident that heart disease is a leading cause of death among women.

A visit to your cardiologist in Singapore will help you plan and carry out practical lifestyle changes to lower your risk of having a heart attack. Remember, your family depends on you, so live strong with a healthy lifestyle and a healthy heart!

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