We have a special interest in the diagnosis and treatment of complex vascular conditions like Pelvic Congestion syndrome and Erectile dysfunction
With our advanced ultrasound duplex and hemodynamics lab, our vascular specialists can offer accurate diagnoses and appropriate patient-specific treatments
Diseases affecting the female and male reproductive organs have traditionally been treated by gynaecologists and urologists. However, recent understanding of the causes of some of these chronic, distressing and difficult to treat conditions shows that they are in many cases related to abnormal blood flow in the arteries and veins of the pelvis.
At the Harley Street Heart and Vascular Centre, we have a special interest in the diagnosis and management of these conditions, namely Pelvic Congestion syndrome and Chronic pelvic pain in women and erectile dysfunction in men. With highly specialized ultrasound duplex and hemodynamic studies to aid diagnosis at our vascular diagnostic laboratory, our vascular specialists are able to offer treatments that provide significant relief for many of these patients with these distressing conditions.
If you suffer from painful heavy periods or chronic pelvic pain, or have swollen bulging veins in the groin that have not responded to gynaecological treatment or have erectile dysfunction, contact us or visit the relevant pages of this website for more information.