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Cardiac rehabilitation program aims to help patients with heart conditions such as blocked arteries and heart failure to regain their lives after an event. It is a structured exercise program prescribed by your cardiologist and the goal is to help you recover from a cardiac event and reduce your risk of similar problems in the future.

The endpoint of the program is helping patients achieve better quality of life by improving their ability to carry out their usual activities of daily life and be physically more active.

Healthy Hearts: Benefits Of Heart Screening
Many of you may not heed your doctor's advice to start having a healthy lifestyle until you are diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. As your cardiologist in Singapore would explain, managing risk factors (such as high blood pressure and high total cholesterol) is crucial to preventing cardiovascular diseases. Seeing your cardiologist in Singapore for proactive screening is...
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Heart-Healthy Diet After Angioplasty for Speedy Recovery
Angioplasty is a common medical procedure used to improve blood flow in the arteries. It is often recommended for individuals with coronary artery disease, a condition that can...
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Improving Your HDL-Cholesterol
High density lipoproteins are important for the transport of cholesterol (collectively known as HDL-C) to the liver for breakdown and removal. In clinical practice, HDL cholesterol, rather than HDL particle structure or function, is used to risk stratify patients. Because these molecules transport cholesterol away from the arteries to the liver, HDL-C is commonly viewed as 'good' cholesterol and has been associated with reduced risk of coronary heart disease.
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