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Risk Assessment and Screening

Our state-of-the-art screening packages determine your risks and causes of vein disease, and the best treatment options

Tailored Treatment

Treatments such as injection sclerotherapy, laser and radio-frequency ablations, and angioplasty can be tailored to each patient’s needs

Our circulation is a complex circuit of tubes (blood vessels) that start at the heart, carry blood to the various organs of the body via arteries and return the blood from these organs and tissues to the heart via veins. The upright posture adopted by humans who stand for long periods has meant that there is a long column of blood from the heart to the ankle leading to blood being under higher pressure in the veins around the calf and ankle – a very common condition known as venous hypertension.

Vein disease can result from the failure of valves inside these veins to function properly, from the formation of clots or blockages within these veins or a combination of these. Assessment of the precise cause for malfunctioning veins, which veins are involved and how best to treat them requires a careful evaluation of the condition and how it impacts the patient’s life, a detailed examination and a range of tests that may include blood tests for clotting abnormalities, Light reflex rheography, Duplex ultrasound examination and plethysmography.

At the Harley Street Heart and Vascular Centre, we provide the full range of assessments needed at our state-of-the-art Vascular Diagnostic laboratory at Gleneagles Hospital. We also offer tailored treatments for our patients from injection sclerotherapy, laser and radiofrequency ablations and glue closure of diseased veins and angioplasty and stenting for vein blockages.

For a full assessment contact us or visit the relevant pages of this website for more information.

Light Reflex Rheography (LRR)
What is a Light Reflex Rheography or LRR? Light reflex Rheography is a refined form of Photo-Plethysmography (PPG). This method is a non-invasive examination which measures the venous blood flow in the lower legs using infrared light, to evaluate the function of venous valves and the effectiveness of venous muscle pump. Venous blood volume changes...
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