Snoring is not a sign of deep sleep
Snoring or obstructive sleep apnea or Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a chronic sleep disorder when breathing stops due to blocked airways.
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Angioplasty saves former football player's life, lives on
Local artist Paul Foster is also a former national football player. He was a heavy exerciser before he was diagnosed with familial hypercholesterolemia. Two years ago, he was diagnosed with early cardiovascular disease and was at high risk of a heart attack within three to five years.
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More younger people diagnosed with atrial fibrillation: 5 tips to cut risk
SINGAPORE – Mr Albert Tay first noticed symptoms of an irregular heartbeat in 2023. He would occasionally feel his heart fluttering lightly before going to bed.
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Why do fit people get heart diseases?
DR REGINALD LIEW, senior consultant cardiologist at The Harley Street Heart and Vascular Centre, tells us why apparently healthy individuals, including athletes, aren’t exempt from heart diseases like cardiac arrhythmia or an enlarged heart. Plus, how tests like ECG (or electrocardiogram) can help.
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Menopause and heart disease
It is believed that women nearing the end of their period may experience rapid calcium deposits in the arteries that carry blood away from the heart. As a result, women are more prone to heart disease.
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Factors increasing cardiovascular disease in Singapore: strategies for prevention
Lokadasu, 71, suffered his first heart attack at the age of 58, followed by two consecutive heart attacks. He said the main reason was not being serious about taking prescribed medicines and diet.
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Atrial fibrillation patients share their recovery experience. Pulsed field ablation helps control the disease
Zheng Wenqiang, who likes sports and pays attention to healthy diet, suffers from atrial fibrillation, which causes heart rhythm disorders and palpitations. If not treated, he may suffer from stroke or heart disease.
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Focus Healthcare: What is high cholesterol?
High cholesterol, also known as hypercholesterolemia, refers to elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in the cells of the body and in the food we consume. High cholesterol is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes.
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Familial hypercholesterolemia "table" inheritance is prone to misdiagnosis
Often referred to as "table" inheritance, familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder characterized by high levels of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.
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Heart truths: More people surviving heart attacks, but at higher risk of more attacks
SINGAPORE – Mr David Teo was 47 when he suffered his first heart attack in 2010. He was about to leave home to play golf when he felt a tightness in his chest and cold sweat dripping down his forehead.
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Focus Healthcare - How Sleep Deprivation Leads to Cardiovascular Diseases
Getting sufficient sleep is pivotal to health and wellbeing. But as many as 4 in 10 adults report experiencing sleeping difficulty. There are many health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, that can be caused or made worse by insufficient sleep.
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The Importance of Pre-Exercise Cardiac Screening
An athlete's sudden cardiac death is one of the tragic risks of strenuous exercise in the presence of a dormant cardiac abnormality. Most major international sports organizations recommend a pre-exercise cardiac screening for the participants.
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What Exercise is the Best for Heart Health?
Keeping a regular workout routine is one of the best ways to improve your heart health. It can also help you lose weight, increase strength and lung capacity, and even improve your mental health - the list goes on! Workout for at least 150 minutes at moderate intensity or 75 minutes of high intensity per week.
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Seven tips to keep your heart healthy over the festive period
Many people may be surprised to learn that more people die from heart attacks during the last week of December than at any other time of the year.
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What should you know about diabetes?
Diabetes mellitus, commonly referred to as diabetes, is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels, which can lead to various health complications. There are different types of diabetes, with the most common being type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
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Healthcare Focus on Heart Attack Prevention
The heart is undoubtedly the most vital organ in our body. A poorly functioning heart will cause huge problems throughout the entire body - and can even lead to an early grave.
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Healthcare Focus: What is Heart Failure?
One of the leading cardiovascular diseases that take a toll on health globally is heart failure. According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 6 million American adults are diagnosed with heart failure. In Singapore, heart failure is common, affecting 1 in 20 Singaporeans.
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Can CT scans help prevent heart attacks?
Can heart attacks be predicted, and if so, how? Here, DR ROHIT KHURANA, Senior Consultant Cardiologist at The Harley Street Heart and Vascular Centre, writes about the role of cardiac imaging such as CT scans and how it can help predict and prevent heart attacks.
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Intermittent Fasting Can Make Your Man Better In The Bedroom featuring Dr Sriram Narayanan
Here’s how your eating habits can improve erections and your sex life
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Don't let anxiety hurt your heart: Doctors see more people with heart palpitations featuring Dr Reginald Liew
Doctors tell ST that they have seen more people with heart palpitations and ectopic heartbeats in the past two years.
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Tackling a ‘salty’ problem featuring Dr Michael MacDonald
Sodium consumption may have gone up during pandemic, causing rise in hypertension
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Dangers of overwork: Long hours and stress can lead to heart attack and stroke featuring Dr Rohit Khurana
Experts say prolonged work can lead to chronic stress and fatigue, sleep deprivation and an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.
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Expert says cold feet could possibly be a warning sign of heart disease featuring Dr Sriram Narayanan (in Chinese) 双脚冰冷不能忽视
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What do these 5 doctors in Singapore eat? Hint: It’s not all healthy food featuring Dr Michael MacDonald
It is their job to give patients good advice in caring for their health and well-being but doctors are human, too, and they give in to temptations now and then.
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Is Zoom causing erectile dysfunction in younger men? Featuring Dr Sriram Narayanan
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common phenomenon for men over 50 according to a study conducted by the Singapore Medical Journal, which reported that age is the single most important physiologic factor affecting erectile function.
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Sons of heart-healthy mums more likely to live 10 years longer featuring Dr Rohit Khurana
If caregivers, usually mothers, practise a healthy lifestyle, children are likely to continue those behaviours
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Erectile dysfunction in younger execs rising amid Covid-19 featuring Dr Driram Narayanan
Change in work routines from Covid-19 is leading to more stress and less sleep
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Snoring loudly? Time to take precautions featuring Dr Reginald Liew
Obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder affecting 10% to 20% of adults, increases the risk of heart failure by 140%
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佳节饮酒别伤身 featuring Dr Reginald Liew
6 TIPS TO KEEP YOURSELF SAFE AND SENSIBLE DURING BINGE DRINKING SEASON 贴士:佳节饮酒别伤身 逢年过节的饮酒量不易控制,但我们应该怎么喝,才能不影响健康?一起来听听专家怎么说!
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打破“隔离15”魔咒 健康减重铁三角 featuring Dr Michael MacDonald
冠病疫情令人们居家时间增多,出现“隔离15”现象,减重成了当务之急。 受访医生医师、营养师破解时尚减肥法迷思,强调减重目标应该是可持续的,饮食、运动和睡眠是维持健康体重的铁三角。
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Dysmenorrhea, heavy menstrual flow and pelvic vein congestion – why these can be easily misdiagnosed (Chinese) featuring Dr Sriram Narayanan
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Cardiovascular disease the leading cause of death for women last year in Singapore featuring Dr Rohit Khurana
Madam Kirti Harnal had just cooked a meal at home one Saturday in November 2018 when she suddenly felt fatigued.
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How to try intermittent fasting and effectively lose weight featured on The Singapore’s Women’s Weekly
Tips on how to choose an intermittent fasting schedule that fits your lifestyle, and the kind of foods you should eat
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The cause of about a third of strokes is a medical mystery (in Chinese)
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Painful periods might be caused by pelvic congestion syndrome featured on CAN Lifestyle
One vascular specialist shares why pelvic congestion syndrome - and not necessarily endometriosis, fibroids or ovarian cysts - could be the cause of some women's pelvic pain.
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Watch out for diabetes, even if you have a normal BMI featured on The New Paper
Many people with diabetes or pre-diabetic symptoms are lean and have BMIs in the normal range
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Living with abnormal heart rhythm: A 'ticking timebomb' that can lead to devastating stroke featured on Today Online
Mr Ng Wei Jie (pictured) discovered by chance that he has atrial fibrillation and decided to treat it after learning that it could lead to a severe stroke, even though the symptoms were not affecting his everyday life.
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COVID-19: What to know if you have hypertension, diabetes featured on Today Online
As doctors and researchers race to learn more about Covid-19, mounting evidence suggests that the disease is more than just a respiratory condition.
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