Swelling of the legs and feet can occur from a variety of causes. Some of these are related to blockages or poorly functioning valves in the veins or poor circulation in the lymph vessels in the legs – a condition called lymphedema. Others may be related to poor heart and kidney function. The close collaboration between our team of cardiologists who specialize in all aspects of heart disease and our vascular specialists as well as the availability of the full range of heart and vascular assessments and tests at the Harley Street Heart and Vascular Centre mean that a comprehensive and holistic approach is taken for patients with a swollen leg. We also offer a range of compression garments and devices including home pneumatic compression, neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), Low intensity ultrasonic shock wave therapy as well as medical and sports grade compression stockings to tailor treatment specifically for each patient’s condition.
Ulcers and wounds around the ankle may occur from untreated vein disease, particularly in the elderly and in those who have ignored their worsening symptoms. These often require specialist wound care in the form of layered compression bandaging, shock wave therapy and local wound management. Our specialist wound nurse along with our vascular specialists can help provide optimum therapies for this distressing condition.
If you suffer from chronic leg swelling or ulceration and skin pigmentation and eczema in the legs, contact us for a consultation and assessment.