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How Much Does It Cost to See a Cardiologist in Singapore?


There are fewer things more important than your heart health. But often, signs and symptoms of a cardiological problem can go unnoticed or overlooked. If you suspect you have a problem, it is crucial to see a trained, professional cardiologist in Singapore as soon as possible.

Being examined and treated by the best cardiologist available will not only give you peace of mind, but ensure that any issues regarding poor heart health are spotted and dealt with promptly.

We are a team of specially trained Consultant Cardiologists utilising a comprehensive skill-set and subspecialities to diagnose and treat both mild and highly complex heart issues. To book an appointment, click here.

Why Would You See A Cardiologist?

Why See a Cardiologist

There may be a range of reasons you have decided to visit a Cardiologist in Singapore. Perhaps you have noticed a symptom of potentially poor heart health, such as:

  • Chest pain
  • Breathlessness
  • Palpitations – feeling of fast or irregular heart beats
  • Dizziness or syncope (blackouts)

Alternatively, you might know that you have cardiological risk factors such as:

  • A family history of heart disease
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes

Cardiological risk factors should never be overlooked or dismissed. To give you an example, since the 1990s, the number of people living with hypertension has doubled. Hypertension significantly increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, and is one of the top causes of death and disease throughout the world. Similarly, you can have 65-75% increased risk of developing heart disease if a parent has had premature heart disease. So, if you suspect you might be in a high risk group, please make an appointment.

During your first appointment with us, your cardiologist will take a family history and discuss any symptoms you are experiencing. Then, a clinical examination is performed and, if applicable, a number of tests will be ordered to investigate any potential concerns. Examples of tests include ECGs, a treadmill stress test, artery ultrasound, an echocardiogram, holter monitoring and a CT or MRI. For more information on these individual tests, click here.

cardiac tests

The type of test selected will be dependent on the condition your cardiologist is looking to test for. Everybody is different, so we cannot guarantee which one will be required (if any) ahead of a full assessment.

When the results are available, treatment can begin if necessary. In some cases, treatment can be a simple lifestyle change recommendation. In other cases, it could be a medication schedule or even surgical intervention. Some of the procedures we offer include permanent pacemaker insertion, coronary artery bypass graft surgery, and valve replacement and repair. You can see the full list of treatments offered by clicking here.

While some of these procedures sound alarming, they are performed in a safe way by experts in their field. The later you leave it to receive a diagnosis, the worse the condition can get, which potentially leads to more invasive treatment. Remember, heart issues can be hard to spot in their early stages. By the time you notice symptoms, there is a good chance your heart health has been struggling for some time. This is why having a check-up even in the absence of symptoms is a wise idea, as the problem can be dealt with as non-invasively as possible.

How Much Does It Cost To See A Cardiologist in Singapore?

When it comes to your heart health, you should never skip corners or settle for anything other than the best Cardiologist. Of course, there is a cost associated with high quality tests and treatment, which will now be explored.

The overall cost of your consultation, tests and treatment will depend on what is required. For example, if you have a consultation with a Cardiologist you could expect to pay anywhere between $180-$300. The variation accounts for the length of time the consult takes. Should a test be ordered, the cost of this test will be discussed in advance. To give you an example, the average cost of a echocardiogram is $450-$600. An ECG on the other hand is only $60-$80.

The cost of treatment also varies and depends on what is prescribed. Before looking around for a Cardiologist in Singapore, you should know that the Ministry of Health provides a benchmark for fees, and therefore any cardiologist’s fees will fall somewhere within this range. It’s also important to remember that there will be additional costs (hospital stay, equipment etc).

As an example, should you need a coronary angioplasty (a procedure that opens blockages), you can expect to pay $6700 to $12200 in Cardiology fees. However, the total bill could be in excess of $40,000 all-in.

To find out more about cardiology costs and payment options, please make an appointment.

What Does Insurance Cover?

When considering the costs of seeing a Cardiologist, you should first look at what your insurance covers (and what it doesn’t). Most insurance policies include cardiological investigations and treatments, as well as inpatient care. Your first step in seeing a Cardiologist will be to ask your insurer for a list of approved providers. Upon visiting your Cardiologist for the first time, you will be asked to bring details of your insurance with you so that costs can be claimed. Should you wish to see a cardiologist, you will be asked to provide your insurance documents upon registration, ahead of your first consultation.

If you do not have insurance that covers cardiological issues, then you will need to cover these costs yourself. We understand this can be difficult and are happy to talk to you about your options.

The Bottom Line

The cost of seeing a cardiologist in Singapore can vary depending on the cardiologist, the tests and treatments you require, and how much of this will be covered by your health insurance. What’s important to remember is that, when it comes to heart health, you should never cut corners to try and keep costs down, and instead invest in high quality healthcare within the price ranges specified above.

Contact Us

If you would like to book in to see a cardiologist, you can book an appointment by clicking here. In the case that the appointment is a potential emergency, we aim to fit you in the same day. You can also call us on +65 6235 5300.

Dr Michael Ross MacDonald
MB ChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP (UK), MD (Research), FESC (Europe)
Dr Michael MacDonald is a senior consultant cardiologist with a specialist interest in heart failure, cardiac imaging and preventative cardiology. He has a particular interest in the management of the cardiovascular complications of diabetes. He studied at Aberdeen University, and completed his sub-specialty training in Glasgow and the Royal Brompton Hospital, London.

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