Coronary Calcium Score |
Coronary Calcium Score |

Coronary calcium score measures the amount of calcified plaque in the coronary arteries. This score can provide valuable information about a person's risk of developing heart disease. A higher score indicates a higher risk of heart attack or other coronary artery diseases. The test is often used in conjunction with other risk factors to determine a person's overall risk for heart disease and can help guide treatment decisions.

What is a Coronary Calcium Score Test?

A coronary calcium score test, also known as coronary artery calcium (CAC) scoring, is a specialised imaging test used to evaluate the amount of calcium that deposits in the coronary arteries. This non-invasive scan can provide valuable insights into the presence of plaque and the potential risk of heart disease.

How Does the Test Measure the Amount of Calcium in the Coronary Arteries?

The test measures the amount of calcium using a CT scanner, which captures detailed images of the heart and coronary arteries. The presence of calcium deposits, indicated by the calcium score, can help in assessing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

What Are the Benefits of Undergoing a Coronary Calcium Score Scan?

By undergoing a coronary calcium score scan, individuals can gain valuable information about their heart health and assess their risk for heart disease. This proactive approach allows for early intervention and lifestyle modifications to mitigate potential risks.

Are There Any Risks Associated With the Calcium Score Test?

The calcium score test is considered safe and non-invasive. It involves minimal radiation exposure and does not require the insertion of electrodes. Patients are required to hold their breath for a brief period during the scan to ensure accurate imaging results.

Coronary Calcium Score and Heart Health

The coronary calcium score is closely linked to the risk of developing coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular ailments. A higher calcium score may indicate an increased risk of heart disease, making it a crucial parameter in assessing overall heart health.

How Does the Coronary Calcium Score Relate to the Risk of Heart Disease?

A higher coronary calcium score is associated with an elevated risk of heart disease, as it indicates the presence of calcium deposits and plaque in the coronary arteries. This can lead to restricted blood flow and potential complications such as heart attacks.

What Are the Critical Risk Factors Associated With Elevated Coronary Calcium Scores?

Several risk factors, including high cholesterol levels, hypertension, smoking, and diabetes, are closely linked to elevated coronary calcium scores. Understanding and addressing these risk factors is crucial in managing heart health.

Can a Calcium Score of Zero Eliminate the Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke?

While a calcium score of zero may indicate a low risk for heart disease, it does not eliminate the risk of heart attack or stroke. Other risk factors and lifestyle choices also play a significant role in determining overall cardiovascular health.

Understanding Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring

Coronary Calcium Score - Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring |

A cardiac CT for calcium scoring is a specialised imaging test that utilises computed tomography to visualise calcium deposits in the coronary arteries. This non-invasive procedure offers detailed insights into plaque's presence and helps diagnose coronary artery disease.

What Is the Process Involved in a Cardiac CT for Coronary Calcium Scoring?

During a cardiac CT scan, the patient lies on a table that moves through the CT scanner. The scanner takes multiple X-ray images of the heart, which are processed to create detailed cross-sectional images for analysis.

How Does the Imaging of Coronary Calcium Help in Diagnosing Coronary Artery Disease?

The imaging of coronary calcium provides visual evidence of calcium deposits and plaque in the coronary arteries, aiding in diagnosing and assessing coronary artery disease. This information is critical in determining the appropriate course of treatment and management.

Is the Amount of Radiation Exposure During a Cardiac CT for Calcium Scoring a Concern?

While a cardiac CT involves radiation exposure, the amount is carefully controlled and considered minimal. The benefits of obtaining crucial diagnostic information for heart health outweigh the minimal risks associated with radiation exposure.

Interpreting Your Calcium Score Results

Interpreting calcium score results requires the expertise of a cardiologist who can analyse the findings and provide valuable insights into the individual's heart health. Understanding the calcium score's implications can help assess the overall risk of heart disease.

What Does a High Coronary Calcium Score Indicate About the Presence of Plaque in the Arteries?

A high coronary calcium score indicates significant plaque in the arteries, signifying an increased risk of heart disease and potential cardiovascular complications. This underscores the importance of proactive measures to reduce risks and improve heart health.

How Does the Calcium Score Help Assess the Overall Risk of Heart Disease?

The calcium score is a valuable tool in assessing the overall risk of heart disease, providing insights into the extent of calcium deposits and the associated risk factors. This information aids in developing personalised strategies for prevention and management.

What Role Does a Cardiologist Play in Analysing and Explaining Calcium Score Results?

A cardiologist plays a crucial role in analysing and explaining calcium score results to patients, offering comprehensive insights and guidance on managing heart health. Their expertise ensures individuals receive personalised recommendations based on their risk profile.

Managing Risks and Treatment Options

Following a coronary calcium score test, individuals may explore various lifestyle modifications and treatment options to reduce calcium deposits, mitigate heart disease risks, and improve overall cardiovascular health.

What Lifestyle Modifications Can Help Reduce Coronary Calcium and Heart Disease Risk?

Adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and effective stress management, can reduce coronary calcium deposits and reduce the risk of heart disease. Additionally, controlling risk factors such as high cholesterol and blood pressure is essential in improving heart health.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Patients With Elevated Coronary Calcium Scores?

Treatment options may include medication to control cholesterol and blood pressure and therapeutic interventions to manage existing heart conditions. These targeted treatments aim to reduce the progression of heart disease.

How Frequently Should Individuals Undergo Repeat Calcium Score Tests to Monitor Their Heart Health?

Based on individual risk profiles and the recommendations of healthcare professionals, the frequency of repeat calcium score tests may vary. Regular monitoring allows for tracking changes in calcium scores and assessing the effectiveness of interventions in managing heart health.


In conclusion, the coronary calcium score is valuable in assessing a person's risk of developing coronary artery disease. Coronary calcium score test in Singapore can be conducted at any one of The Harley Street Heart & Vascular Centre. It can provide important information about calcified plaque in the coronary arteries. This information can help guide treatment decisions and lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health. Please book an appointment today to test your heart’s health.

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